During the Bachelor it is of course also possible to do a Minor in another field of study. Below is a handy overview per university where you can find which minor is offered:
University of Amsterdam:
Minors – Universiteit van Amsterdam (uva.nl)
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam:
Minoren A-Z – Minoren, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (vu.nl)
Utrecht University:
Minors – Studenten | Universiteit Utrecht (uu.nl)
University of Groningen:
Radboud University:
SOOS-minor-guide-2020-2021.pdf (soos-nijmegen.nl)
Leiden University:
Minoren – Universiteit Leiden
Maastricht University:
Minors / Keuzeonderwijs FHML – Onderwijs – Maastricht University